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Hamd-free Dental Cheek RetractorsLocation:Home Page - View Product


1. C Type Cheek Retractor
It is used for vertical to open the mouth, perfect view for environment and working area. Autoclavable up to 134° C, good flexible make patients very comfortable.  

2.M Type Cheek Retractor
To open the mouth, control the longue, design of anatomy, autoclavable up to 275° F.  

3.T Type Cheek Retractor
The T shape of the retractor holds the cheeks away from the buccal segments, providing excellent visibility for Intra-oral photography. The design allows easy, secure placement of bondable molar tubes.

4.Double Head Cheek Retractor
The extended lip support allows great visibility in the molar region, making them ideal for intraoral photography.
Fully autoclavable. Sold in a pack of 2 retractors.


Hand-free cheek Rertractors clean plastic, autclavable for repeated use. Extra elasticity to fit comfortably on patient.

No Description Qty/box Packing
71001 Single span with handle, Adult  2pcs/box 400/ctn
71002 Single span with handle, infant  2pcs/box 400/ctn
71003 Double span Medium   2pcs/box 400/ctn
71004 Double span Large    2pcs/box 400/ctn
71005 Double Circular Adult    2pcs/box 400/ctn
71006 Double Circular Infant    2pcs/box 400/ctn



Hamd-free Dental Cheek Retractors