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About Us

Company IntroductionLocation: Home Page - About Us - Company Introduction
Company profile: Our company started (sinoX Shenzhen Co.) a new product line of Dental Consumables in 2002. Wide range of products is manufactured in-house or exclusively for sinoX Shenzhen Co. by other manufacturers under our house brand HORIZON, or OEM, for the domestic and international markets. sinoX Shenzhen Co. is the only company in China who has this variety of Dental Consumables Products under one brand name and one source. This brings a major convenience for potential domestic and foreign buyers. This product line is manufactured with the export markets standards, and quality control.


We are one of the major dental supplies exporter from our region. We select the products in our portfolio very carefully and after proper assessments before we offer to our export customers. In addition, we employ complete modern western QC principals to each product in our portfolio before and during production. Our customers never need to worry about the quality of our products and the after-service.

We have our own EXCLUSIVE products, which we produce under our own brand name or as OEM if needed. We have distributors of our products in overseas countries. We are also open for new distributorship applications. 

We attend 3-4 major international dental exhibitions every year, with our unique and large booth. We would be happy to meet our current and future business partners at our booth in every show, for face to face discussions in order to meet their demands the best possible way, and also for them to see and feel the products on display. 

In addition to current product line, we do custom product developments as required by our customers.