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Dental Disposable ArticulatorLocation:Home Page - View Product
The articulator's construction allows a full range of lateral and protrusive movements while maintaining accurate centric occlusion.
Combining accuracy with simplicity is easy.
Present your cases with one of the best looking articulators on the market that assists you in creating precision restorations.
Economical- Lightweight- Heavy duty plastic- Pre-assembled.
Compatible with all slotted model base molds.

Dental Lab Mini Plastic Disposable Crown and Bridge Articulator 100 Pcs/Bag White Articulators.


Code Description Qty/ctn Package
A005-1 White 100 pcs/bag 25 bags/ctn
A005-2 Black 100 pcs/bag 25 bags/ctn
A005-3 Blue 100 pcs/bag 25 bags/ctn

Dental Disposable Articulator