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Denture BoxLocation:Home Page - View Product
PP material, OEM service is available.

1, Keep your denture or mouthguard clean and healthy
2, Color: Blue,Orange,Yellow,Purple,Pink,Light Blue,dimension:82*85*28mm
3, Convenient to keep,easy for travel

4, Pack of 6 container cases.


Code Description Qty/ctn Package
SDB-1 PP Material 12 pcs 30 boxes/ctn
SDB-2 PP Material 12 pcs 24 boxes/ctn
SDB-3 PP Material 12 pcs 16 boxes/ctn
SDB-4 PP Material 12 pcs 10 boxes/ctn
SDB-5 PP Material 12 pcs 30 boxes/ctn
SDB-6 PP Material 12 pcs 16 boxes/ctn
SDB-7 PP Material 12 pcs 30 boxes/ctn
SDB-8 PP Material 12 pcs 16 boxes/ctn


Denture Box

Denture Box