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Aluminum Impression TrayLocation:Home Page - View Product

1, Rigid aluminum metal tray
2, Trays can be bent or easily cut into shape for your application need
3, For one time us


Impression Tray, Regular, Aluminum, M UPPER. REGULAR SIZE-M UPPER Impression Tray. Being made of Aluminum, they can be bent, shaped and cut for a special case.


Code Description Qty/box Package
81001 Aluminum Impression Tray # 1 Lower / Upper 2/bag 600/ctn
81002 Aluminum Impression Tray # 1 Lower / Upper 2/bag 600/ctn
81003 Aluminum Impression Tray # 1 Lower / Upper 2/bag 600/ctn
81004 Aluminum Impression Tray # 1 Lower / Upper 2/bag 600/ctn
8005 Aluminum Impression Tray # 1 Lower / Upper 2/bag 600/ctn